Mohs micrographic surgery, fixed-tissue technique, for excision of nasal melanoma provides three important benefits: 1) assurance of eradication of the main mass along with its “silent” contiguous outgrowths, 2) safe management of non-contiguous satellites too small to be visible initially, and 3) safe sparing of maximal amounts of surrounding normal tissues. These benefits are achieved because all incisions are through chemically fixed (killed) tissue, eliminating the danger of disseminating the highly transplantable melanoma cells and permitting the excision of successive layers for microscopic scanning of their undersurfaces by the systematic use of frozen sections. The process is continued to the termination of each ramification. There is no need to remove a wide margin of normal tissue as is customary with conventional surgery. Clinically invisible satellites are not moved or disturbed and can be removed safely by the same method if they appear. The reliability of the method is manifested by the 62.5% 5-year cure in a series of 10 consecutive patients, all of whom had no local recurrence after micrographic surgery.

Mohs Micrographic Surgery for the Management of Cutaneous Malignancies
Mohs micrographic surgery is a specialized form of skin cancer surgery in which the Mohs surgeon acts as both surgeon and pathologist. The procedure is characterized by its histopathologic margin control and ability to spare tissue, particularly in cosmetically sensitive locations. Mohs surgery is known for both limiting the size of the final defect and its high cure rate. In